Indiana University is contracted with Chartwells Higher Education Food Management Company to provide all residential, retail, concessions and catering food and beverage service on the campus of IU Indianapolis. The geographic exclusivity for catering services has been modified effective January 1, 2023. Chartwells Catering Services maintains the exclusive rights to cater all events and meetings in the Campus Center with six (6) exceptions noted below.
Automatic Exceptions to the Campus Center Catering Exclusivity (waiver not needed)
- Pizza/Cake/Donut Orders: Events or meetings where these food items will be served. It is acknowledged that beverage service would be included and would be exempt too.
- Donations: Sponsorships of events by an "outside" restaurant, caterer, grocery store, or food distributor that donates (100%) food and beverage for the event. To ensure contract compliance, a donation letter on the donor's letterhead with the donation information including event name, event date, location, amount, and items must be forwarded via email to Chartwells Catering office at catering@iupui.edu and Auxiliary Services at aux@iu.edu.
- Pitch-ins: Pitch-ins, which are defined as food and beverage provided by the participants of a private event without reimbursement from a university or IU Foundation account and not intended to be resold, are exempt. Pitch-ins are not allowable for events open to the public.
- Minimum Order: If the total cost of purchased food and beverage for an event is less than $100.
- Fundraiser: Food fundraiser can serve as a source of revenue for student groups and approved campus-wide initiatives such as the IU Indianapolis United Way Campaign. Food fundraiser are regulated and more information may be found at this Environmental Health & Safety Temporary Food Service Events link.
- Registered Student Organizations in the Spot: food and beverage for registered student organizations’ events and meetings are exempt.
Exceptions to the Campus Center Catering Exclusivity Requiring Approval (waiver needed)
- Capacity Issues: on occasion it may not be possible for Chartwells to provide service due to prior catering commitments. These circumstances should be rare, and when exist, alternate dates or service format should be considered. Chartwells will discuss options with the event or meeting coordinator. If an alternative solution is not available, a third-party caterer will be permitted. Chartwells will provide a waiver via email to the event coordinator with a copy to Auxiliary Services.
Chartwells Catering Services will continue to be a preferred caterer for all other campus locations. Outside of the Campus Center, Chartwells or any third-party caterer approved to do business with Indiana University may be used. All events offering food to the public on IU properties must comply with IU Policy for Temporary Food Service Events. These events must also meet requirements of the Office of Insurance, Loss Control and Claims policies relating to food service and alcohol. Most public events with food will require prior approval by IUEHS, visit the Temporary Food Service Events link above for further information. Please also note the exclusivity and its exceptions do not release one from compliance with the university contract with Coca Cola. The Coca Cola beverage contract states all beverages including water sold, served, distributed, sampled, or otherwise available on university property must be a product of Coca Cola with exception to the following permitted products: fresh milk, freshly brewed hot tea, freshly brewed hot coffee, freshly brewed hot chocolate, unbranded milkshakes and unbranded smoothies made on premise from fresh ingredients. Additional information may be found at this Purchasing Non-Alcoholic Beverages link.
Please note this agreement may be modified at any time - refer to IU Indianapolis Auxiliary Services FAQs for the latest information.
Chartwells manages all food locations on the IU Indianapolis campus including all national franchise restaurants and convenience stores in the Campus Center, University Tower, IU Natatorium, Michael A. Carroll Track and Soccer Stadium and IU Indianapolis academic buildings. Chartwells does not manage any food locations within the hospitals on or near campus.
Chartwells administrative office is located in the Campus Center lower level suite 50. Feel free to walk-in or call 317-231-0208. Additionally, you can reach out directly to the management team via email, visit Chartwells Dine On Campus website for the directory.
the Chartwells Dine On Campus Group Dining webpage for information on how to arrange for dining with large groups.